Tymewear VitalPro
Pre-Sale Event
Straps will be shipped in the order purchases are received

VitalPro Strap
Size Guide
Pro $0 $150/Year
- Basic - Free
- Pro $0 $150/Year
The VitalPro chest strap includes breathing, heart rate, motion, and elevation sensors. Measure your individual training zones, target them in real-time, and improve your endurance faster.
Early adopters get the first year of the Tymewear Training Membership included. Tymewear Training includes personalized recommendations on training volume, zone distribution, and workouts.
Start Training Smarter Today
Train with confidence in your personalized training zones knowing that every workout directly contributes to your improved endurance.

VitalPro Strap

Training Membership
Threshold testing
Individualized zones
Real-time data
In-workout zone targets
Individualized training volume
Individualized training distribution
Daily workout recommendation
Library of personalized workouts